- 05Jun2018
RHP Environmental Sustainability and Energy Efficiency
Environmental sustainability for all housing modalities is a Regional Housing Program priority. To that end Environmental and Health safety Guidelines have been prepared for Project Implementation Units (PIUs) in all partner countries. These guidelines reflect national environmental regulations and the Council of Europe Development Bank’s (CEB) Environmental Policy. The CEB policy embodies the European Principles for the Environment and formalizes the CEB’s commitment to ensure compliance with EU environmental legislation. PIUs are required to have environmental officers to ensure that regulations and guidelines are followed. The CEB, with the support of the technical assistance, monitors the implementation of environmental guidelines including ad hoc visits to housing construction sites.
Under the RHP funding conditions, requests for grant support by partner countries have to demonstrate that the design and works implementation of housing actions meet environmental sustainability criteria. These include energy efficiency measures such as choice of build materials, housing orientation for prolonged daylight, appliances with reduced consumption and energy efficient heating/cooling systems. Local municipalities are required to ensure connection to drainage systems or sustainable treatment on site. The use of re-cycled rain water, when possible, for drainage systems is recommended. During construction of houses, particularly apartment complexes, the recycling of construction waste and use of local materials is required.
Within the preparation of technical documentation for the RHP, an architect in the field of architectural and construction works is responsible for the application of the rules in the field of environmental protection.
Environmental protection is ensured by the consistent application of all legal regulations in the field of environmental protection, in particular:
- Regulations in the field of energy efficiency;
- Regulations in the field of water protection and communal activities;
- Regulations in the field of waste management;
- Regulations in the field of noise protection.
- 5 Jun, 2018
- Jovan